Elmer Blogger

Saturday, July 23, 2005

From Horny to Viewy

Microsoft recently announced a name change of its long-anticipated product line for its operating system release. Long dubbed with a code name Longhorn, it will now be officially known as 'Windows Vista'.

While the whole product will be launched in 2006, the beta version will be released in early August. Probably to have a sneak preview of what it offers and dispel critics of the notoriety of Windows as a security-deprived product, plus graphic enhancements and computing over the web. The release will be five years after the first version of Windows XP went to market in late 2001.

Despite the promising descriptions seen in the Microsoft video shown in the announcement as 'Clear. Confident. Connected', the claim remains a hypothesis until we actually get our hands on it and personally echo the statement. By then we hope the 3C's won't be 'Cluttered. Creepy. Combustible'.


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