Elmer Blogger

Saturday, January 22, 2005

Tax time

It's time of the year when someone has to save money not for himself but for the coffers of the government. Last week I got my tax bill and expect half of my December salary be spent in its payment. And since I have been struggling to get the right address to have my communications sent to me for some reasons the tax may have returned to the IRD office after mailing it to 163 and finding out I was not there. In short I am penalized 5% for not paying on the 4th of January due date. What a headache.

Somehow I don't mind paying tax here. It only shows I have income and not jobless in Hong Kong. Also, Hong Kong handles tax much much more efficiently than the Philippines. And I can easily see where taxpayers money go: roads, public facilities and efficient government service.

Talking about public facilities I have been a frequent visitor in one of them, the Hong Kong Central Library. I go there to read South China Morning Post, National Geographic, write letters (I like the atmosphere apart from ocassional phone rings or raucous patrons), borrow computer books or audio compact discs. This time I borrowed U2 and Christopher Cross albums. Since it's a 17-minute walk from the office and it closes at 21.30 there is little reason for me not to make it. Like staying in office until 11pm as I used to do.


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