Elmer Blogger

Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Search Engine Optimization Stuff #2

What issues affect page ranking?
Just when we thought that putting up meta tags, carefully choosing a page description, placing alternate tags and linking properly the site goes to a smooth sailing on its way to the top of search engine results. You could be wrong. In what seems to be a perfectly search engine friendly setup, you are still unable to gain ground and instead stuck in the middle or end of nowhere.

These are the possible reasons that keep you away from the coveted first page placements:

1) Changing of the site's IP address - This happens when you switch web hosts, reorganization in your network infrastructure or for any reason your site moved its IP address to another location. This causes a partial disruption to the indexing service provided by search engines and therefore content becomes not spidered for a while. This is a problem to better performing engines prior to switching of IP address. But this is deemed as temporary.

2) IP's banned by search engines. Often associated with spam e-mails, IP addresses of originating e-mails tend to be blocked by mail servers after relegating them to the blacklist. You are in deep trouble if you were performed 1) which happens to be into a blocked IP address. You can check blacklists from websites belonging to the following site: http://www.dnsstuff.com/

3) robots.txt - What is robots.txt? This is the instruction file that tells the search engine robots what to do during their stay in the website indexing its contents. Most probably for those who want their pages to appear prominent such as sales pages or promotion articles, would like to have the pages indexed but for sensitive files (such as member only access folders or privacy-related pages) they would not want certain contents in their websites. That is why an instruction must be made. To create robots.txt, save the following in Notepad or any text editor with filename robots.txt (see, this is not just a term to refer to robots but really the filename you will identify such instruction file):

User-agent: *
Disallow :

Explanation: The first line specifies the name of the user-agent or the robot name. Since the asterisk character "*" is specified, just like wildcards, it represents: "to all robots". Then the second line tells them to Disallow nobody (as represented by the blank content after the colon separator).

This is for search engine robots to scour every page in the site (or any document such as MS Word or Adobe Acrobat format). These bots visit the site at around once every four to six weeks and more often when the site is often updated. Thus, I am advocating sites to have fresh content as often as they could so as to be attractive to search engines.

When you're done typing that 22-character file and saving it up, place it at the root folder of your website (where your index.html or default.asp is found). It's located there typically because normally homepages are accessed from the homepages initially and is thought that links to various sections of the website is accessible from this node.

A slight mistake in this simple instruction file can be disastrous in your SEO efforts.

4) and 5) in the next edition.

Monday, April 25, 2005

Search Engine Optimization Stuff #1

I have been priviledged to work for SEO on some of our clients. Search Engine Optimization is the process of increasing the number of targetted visitors on a website by optimizing certain keywords so as to increase its ranking on search engines.

Currently there are two types of search results. One is the generic search results you see on approximately 80% of the search result page. This is what we call organic search. Organic in the sense that the result is based on the indexed pages by search engine robots. Another term for this is natural search.

Another type is the paid listing which enables a website to be displayed on the first resulting page. For example if you search for "antique wall clocks" (with no quotes) the natural search typically returns pages such as antique products (not just wall clocks), shops selling antique wall clocks or any page that contain the word "antique", "wall" or "clocks". But on the advertisers section it displays specific product lines about clocks or antique items which makes it more specific.

While paid listing enables an instant ranking on the first page of search results, it is also more expensive way to gain prominence online. It is also artificial. Once you run out of funds or simply discontinue the campaign to post ads on a particular search keyword phrase, your website listing disappears on search results.

On the other hand an organic method of SEO includes manipulation of text, graphics, links on a webpage. It includes (but not limited to) meta tags, title, font size, font style/color (yes!), alternate tags, type of web host, quality of content and frequency of updates. This type of approach takes much longer time to bear results but when results come, traffic bonanza is all yours.

When I used to work for BuildingBrands, we exerted efforts on making the site gain traffic mainly aimed to gather subscribers (the site did not generate products then). Overture ads were expensive considering the phrase "brand" generates about 377,000
queries each month and is therefore a highly competitive keyword. I balked at the idea of bidding for such keywords when visitors that come to the site did not give us money.

Later did I realize that we needed to do it as we were building the brand of the website. Coupled with submission to search engines, contacting partners for link exchanges and participating on discussion boards. It took us 18 months to get a significant ranking at Google and Yahoo!. You can try searching keywords "brands" or "brand management" in Google and see where buildingbrands.com rank.

From experience I learned that consistent updating of contenthelps improve site ranking more than links or listing in search engines (most of which are irrelevant and unknown; worse many are free for all links which is a recipe to being banned by major search engines). A site should have quality content to warrant good ranking. This enables a longer period of stay on the site and promote stickiness of the site -- a term used to refer to the level of interest generated by the site's pages. After all, who would like to visit a site ranked number 2 on Google, MSN and Altavista if the news content was updated three months ago?

Remember, the aim for SEO is not higher keyword ranking but quality traffic onto your site.

Thursday, April 21, 2005

Arguing about the Philippine ID system

President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo has issued Executive Order 420, directing all government agencies to adopt a "multi-purpose ID system," allegedly as part of the government's anti-terrorism campaign.

While terrorism has been the main driving force this previously-suggested identification system, the generic purpose is ideally the convenience of using single ID to cover almost (of course school ID are different) all government transactions.

To those who fear about privacy and human rights issues, ask the residents of Hong Kong, Singapore, Bahrain, Switzerland and Germany and ask them if there was any infringement of privacy issues with its implementation.

In the Philippines, opposing parties try to discredit an effort by the government to try to put order into its citizens especially when dealing with everyday transactions. They simply hate the government (and who doesn't if the people working for it are lameduck?) and see whatever the government does is attributed to its efforts to impose power grabbing measures.

Gregorio Rosal of the Communist Party of the Philippines thought that it would pave way to martial law by the Arroyo administration.

"It is certain that EO 420 has very contentious and infamous contents and provisions that will not survive the critique and opposition of human rights advocates."

Same idea sprang out from the mind of Crispin Beltran of Anakpawis.

They don't know the other benefits of the unified ID system. Minors are clearly identified in their attempts to buy cigarette sticks or denied entry at night clubs. Or in claiming new credit cards, used as driver's license, proof of identity in claiming cash and gift prizes and several other uses. It's effectivity lies in the hands of those who implement it. Bank tellers should not abuse it. Neither should policemen, real estate agents or tax collectors. And imagine for a foreigner like me here in Hong Kong who have an ID to tuck in my wallet instead of bringing bulky passport everywhere I go instead of putting on my SSS, OWWA, company ID, library and credit cards to inflate my butt.

Apart from bringing benefits to the public, the government in its lawful implementation will have a boost in its crackdown against illegal immigrants, money laundering and illegal activities.

It's not a fool-proof remedy against terrorism or interstate crimes. Spain has its national ID system but still got bombed last year. But somehow people should take a serious look at it first before throwing baseless accusations.

Shirley Leung, a Hong Kong citizen living in London says, " I come from Hong Kong and have been living here in London for 8 years now. We are all accustomed to ID cards in HK and I have never found it in any way an infringement to my rights of liberty."

Former President Fidel Ramos introduced this one about a decade ago but was stopped short by the Supreme Court, ruling it unconstitutional.

Personally I would endorse it, but the problem I see is that many rogues are present in the government that its best efforts will unfortunately fall into dirty hands and its image gets tarnished forever.

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Little fish eaten by big fish eaten by bigger fish

The biggest technology/business news of the week would be the acquisition of Macromedia by Adobe. These two ferocious competitors fought for the market on web development tools and other related products.

Adobe is most popular in its Photoshop product which to me is the most dominating and most powerful graphic software as well as the industry standard portable data format Adobe Acrobat application. Meanwhile, the San Francisco-based Macromedia is riding the crest on its dominating Flash web development tool.

Going back to history,Macromedia built a strong foundation by acquiring relatively smaller companies such as Allaire which built Cold Fusion and JRun; and FutureWave -- the makers of FutureFlash -- and renamed the product to Macromedia Flash.

And while Macromedia gained some success (read: popularity) in its web authoring products like Dreamweaver and Flash, Adobe's GoLive (acquired from German website editing software firm) and PageMill did not thrive well in an era when free authoring tools were dispersed through the Internet (I remember switching between Coffeecup shareware and a software with a name containing "dog", ocassionally downloading from www.shareware.com, tucows.com and download.com). Adobe did try to compete against Flash but ended up failing. Adobe's trademark expensive products did not help,obviously. If you can't beat them, join them, so to speak. In cash rich Adobe's literati, acquire them.

Earlier, it was rumored that Microsoft is poised to take over Macromedia. But later it was Adobe which pulled the trigger to form a gigantic multimedia company in an industry castigated for lack of competition and mergers are prevalent. The amount involved was reportedly around $3.4 billion in stocks and stock analysts advise a "buy" on Adobe shares.

The alliance gives a Goliath to Goliath stance against Microsoft which may be poised to explore the multimedia market. Years ago, Corel and Quark was in the playground but now it seems as if whoever joins the competition is easily gobbled by the big fishes in the industry.

As the acquisition becomes formal, we shall say goodbye to the following Adobe-Macromedia matchups:

a. Bitmap image editing division: Photoshop vs Fireworks
b. Vector illustration division: Illustrator vs Freehand
c. Web authoring division: GoLive* vs Dreamweaver

* Number 283 contender Adobe PageMaker is still alive.

I hope I can still buy products though I would expect Adobe would jack up prices. Nevermind that once-adored Macromedia Dreameaver and UltraDev (discontinued), I have loathed myself when editing www.sfc-hongkong.org in the past and now made a page 66% less code and more search engine friendly than those done with WYSIWYG apps. I now prefer EditPlus or even Notepad to do coding.

Monday, April 18, 2005

Is Graham Lim stupid?

I can't seem to explain why some Filipino (or pretending to be) leaders can't simply humble themselves and step down when the leadership has not shown any proof of effectivity.

I am referring to Graham Lim who is the head of Basketball Association of the Philippines. His wards, the Cebuana Lhuiller basketball team, has smirked the country's image with pitch black slime more than feel good patriotic stories. Finishing 15th out of 16 teams playing in Harbin, China in 2003, the supposed team of the future have gone home limping and embarrassed. And who wouldn't be if your team is composed of relatively unknowns who have the feeling they can handle it by themselves. Shame on you.

And when this team lost to a ragtag team of actors and celebrities in a bush tournament few weeks ago happened, the biggest joke of the Philippine basketball began to unfold. Who the hell are these trying hard gentlemen? Coach Don Vergeire and Boysie Zamar led the group to a handful of disastrous campaigns and so far in the past three years they have no achievement to show. Birth pains so to speak, but the team should not act as if it is born every day. Even the Atlanta Hawks of the National Basketball Association have hopes of being a champion. The madness has to stop and the basketball big boys from the PBL and PBA should take over. Sorry Mr Lhuiller but your investment fell into the wrong hands.

Basketball is in the blood of Filipinos who refuse to admit that lack of height and bulk deprives the nation of a worthy basketball team ready to slug it out with China, Korea, Iran and Saudi Arabia. So for the sake of your credibility Mr Graham Lim, stop grabbing Philippine basketball as if it is your own possession. While dishonored politicians from Japan render their courtesy resignation upon their failures, you even stuck to your post even more. Let me ask how much Lhuiller is paying your BAP to win its exclusive contract? You are betraying a nation hungry of recognition. Please lend the post to the more credible ones.

And I am not even trying to ride in the innuendos of other reporters who allegedly sensationalize your citizenship issue. Better act like a humble Filipino or else in my customary Visayan expression: Uli Tsina..

Friday, April 15, 2005

My first basketball game

At last I had a taste of my first basketball game -- in Hong Kong -- courtesy of my athletic colleagues.

It was last night when we came up with a plan that really pushed through (meaning I went with them). Previous arrangements did not work as I refuse to play on a Good Friday or too busy to leave my desk even if Victoria Park reservations is just a five minute walk.

This time I had the chance to join Jess and Ginny, our marketing executives, programmers Raymond, Kit, Henry, Jan and Simon and project managers Cyrus and Derek. The purpose is not basketball but a two-hour game of table tennis.

Just around the corner in the Centre Court is the HK Champion's Tour tennis tournament which features past champions Goran Ivanisevic, Thomas Muster, Pat Cash, Cedric Pioline and Henry Leconte trying to relive their past glory.

With Simon and Kit
With Simon and Kit

But the basketball court is just as tempting as we were waiting for the 7am tipoff to use the squash-cum-table tennis room. As I touched the ball I recall the last games I used to play -- when I was employed at UIC, at a distant five years ago! I cannot believe it. It's like skipping the game of basketball in my entire college years. And as I try to get hold of the ball, dribble it, shoot and rebound, the feeling of body ache is immediately felt as opposed to the post-day squash body woes. I was panting and my legs were wobbling as if I was running down the court with both my feet soaked in four feet deep water.

Nevertheless the feeling of enjoyment was there. Especially when the game of table tennis (last played even longer -- when I was an SSG officer with the corps commander and SSG President Vincent). I haven't played a doubles game but this one is indeed a good one as four people can play at a time, thanks to Ginny and Raymond's pair of racquet and half a dozen balls.

It's not that I am physically impaired and shunned the playing courts in Hong Kong that it took me a long time to play basketball. I just found no opportunity or at least I was hesitant to do so in my queer effort to avoid embarrassment. I preferred to play squash and table tennis instead. But this time I found redemption and confidence to play again now that the ball was not as heavy as I thought to be. I used to play and think what others think about my move instead of playing the game squarely.

Now I can play.

Monday, April 11, 2005

Reloading Myself

I have been missing household meetings in a record number. To compound the problem I have been hesitant to consider my South Horizons flat a host to the group's fortnightly meeting. I feel guilty being a member of SFC for the past 4 years whose growth was stunted by my own restrictions, lack of self confidence and over consciousness of what other have to say.

I also have concerns on leadership that I am unable to lead a group. That is why I was never handed as a household head in our small male group. I would say there are many times I feel dryness in faith and that I get to sleep the prayer time away.

Then came the SFC Reloaded Conference. Just a few days ago, I had unloaded myself with the trouble that has been keeping me awake for nights. And the after effect dealt some traces of my somber or somewhat my old stubborn self. Couple that with after-midnight recessional at the office and you can imagine how I look like. That should be enough to call a weekend rest since I also went to the office the day before and my laundry needs some attention and clothes need to be ironed out and the shopping list gets longer.

But I decided to come. Travelling from South Horizons to any typical venue is a pain to me in the pocket and in time. But I had to come. I have missed a lot of gatherings such as prayer meetings, household meetings and notably Christmas parties and the Family Conference last year and the Sportsfest too!

And it was such a time worth spending to be with everyone in the community plus get to meet new people in the SFC. The games, talks and the opprtunity to be a worship leader is rewarding. As usual the part I enjoy very much is the penultimate praise and worship portion. I was reloaded with faith and enthusiasm about being a member of Singles For Christ that the night itself I made the news

So I would say I needed a sizeable dose of these spiritual inputs to keep me going.

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Missing Davao City

It's been barely three months since I last set foot in Davao City, my home place but I miss it so badly that after five-and-half years of being away I am pondering a return for good.

It's never been a secret that I love Hong Kong so much that I stuck to my own conviction to stay even with a series of depressing happenings such as job losses and broken hearts. I just simply like to mix it up with the crowd of Chinese, British, Australia, South Asian, Indonesian, Nepalese and fellow Filipino residents in this vibrant metropolis. Living in one of the world's crowded place may not be too healthy but I have my own way of keeping up with this disadvantage.

I lost two jobs here and I thought those were the end of the line. Somehow there must be a purpose of staying here a little longer. I am a member of Singles For Christ here and in the community I found sense of belongingness. The people are nice and ready to lend a hand when I need one. Special mention to my former flatmates Zandro, Onin/Leo/Raymond (now in KL, Manila and Singapore respectively) and Jun (whose now in Japan), Kuya Mer of CFC, my kumpareng Roy and of course my best friend Karen. They were able ensure my stay in HK is worthwhile. Besides them there were more friends (Filipinos, local Chinese, Indonesian, Pakistani) into the group the persons I consider special.

But nothing could take Davao's charm and beautiful people away from the pedestal. I grew up there, learned the most valuable lessons in life and molded to what I have become (or the lack of it) here. The wonderful people, the laid back lifestyle and the tendency to embrace nature's wonders have been a major factor I love the place more than anywhere else.

Recently I had very memorable exchanges with my childhood friends at our Yahoogroups named mintal_barkadas recalling the nameless faces and unforgettable anecdotes at our grade school creek, gardening class, high school convocations and peculiar personalities. I made it for the purpose of being closer to them no matter if our friendship were loosely knit at times.

Davao's beauty has been tarnished with recent bombing, summary execution of alleged drug dependents and as geographically located in Mindanao, a place known for kidnappers rather than the Philippines's bread basket.

I think I have just been too labored here and would not last fifty years old if the trend continues. As my childhood best friend would quip "assess imong kaugalingon 'mer" (assess yourslf 'mer) on my apparent reluctance to decide where my future would be. I still would want to travel across the other side of the planet and if I am in Davao this dream would virtually be sealing its fate. But for how long will my dreams be fulfilled while I am here?

Davao has and will always be my home.

P.S. Maybe I am broken hearted again.

Sunday, April 03, 2005

My Personal Billboard

As a music fan I can't last a day without listening a variation of songs from various sources: Internet MP3's, Hong Kong Central Library, Yahoo! Launch or my personal collection of CD's and tapes. Along the years my music influences have changed, not evolved. When I was a kid during the new wave era, I and my brother Erwin loved to watch the videos of Billy Ocean, Andy Gibb, Elton John, INXS and were drawn into liking the music of Michael Jackson (Erwin used to dance Billy Jean in early grade school, right?), Madonna (I especially liked La Isla Bonita when I was in Grade Six), then later in High School Debbie Gibson, A-ha, Depeche Mode, Vanilla Ice and MC Hammer. In college, I got hooked to Seattle, British rock, Santa Barbara music and lots of Pinoy bands (Pearl Jam, Toad The Wet Sprocket, Gin Blossoms, Pantera, Weezer, Radiohead, Cranberries, U2, Eraserheads, Rivermaya, The Youth, Yano and Live) thanks to Kle, . After graduation the re emergence of new wave had me glued to the likes of The Vapors, Alphaville, Human League, OMD, China Crisis and The Cure. Then later it was the turn of the boy bands and pop groups, 'Nsync, Backstreet Boys, Pet Shop Boys, Savage Garden and Lighthouse Family. When I came to Hong Kong I had few influences as I need to either download music or buy a CD; there is no English FM station in Hong Kong. So until now I can listen to Josh Groban, True Faith, Kelly Chen, Linkin Park, hordes of Japanese trance music and Enya. So of all these artists and the music they produce I have come up with my own list of top 70 songs I love. All time.

1. How Can I Fall - Breathe
2. You Won't See Me Crying - Passage
3. Something's Always Wrong - Toad the Wet Sprocket
4. Cemetery Gates - Pantera
5. Saving All the Love - Candi and the Backbeat
6. Close to You - Whigfield
7. Sky Fits Heaven - Madonna
8. Selfish - The Other Two
9. True Faith - New Order
10. Liquid - Jars of Clay
11. Fly from Heaven - Toad the Wet Sprocket
12. Where Does My Heart Beat Now - Celine Dion
13. Luke Ritenour - Dreamwalking
14. Never My Love - Kathy Trocolli
15. Rent - Pet Shop Boys
16. It's Dark and I'm Lonely - Barbie's Cradle
17. Alaala - True Faith
18. Lovesong - The Cure
19. Moving on Without You - Hikaru Utada
20. The One I Love - REM
21. Dumb - Garbage
22. Girlfriend - Julia Fordham
23. La Isla Bonita - Madonna
24. Fastlove - George Michael
25. Fairground - Simply Red
26. Far Away - Chantal Kreviazuk
27. World on Fire - Sarah Mclachlan
28. Give Me a Chance - Ric Sigreto
29. Forever Blue - Swingout Sisters
30. Cruising For Bruising - Basia
31. Ain't That Unusual - Goo Goo Dolls
32. Do You Love Me - Clair Marlo
33. She Will Be Loved - Maroon 5
34. Rearviewmirror - Pearl Jam
35. Feel Like Dance - Globe
36. The End of Innocence - Bruce Hornsby
37. Never My Love - The Associations
38. Found Out About You - Gin Blossoms
39. Breaking The Habit - Linkin Park
40. Love is Contagious - Taja Seville
41. Foolish Beat - Debbie Gibson
42. Wild Child - Enya
43. Possession Obsession - Hall and Oates
44. Milk (Wicked Mix) - Garbage
45. You On My Mind - Swingout Sisters
46. Kissing A Fool - George Michael
47. I Wasn't The One - Agnetha Faltskog and Peter Cetera
48. Lonely Won't Leave Me Alone - Glenn Medeiros
49. Sam - Olivia Newton-John
50. The Sweetest Days - Vanessa Williams
51. Do I Need A Reason - D'Sound
52. Friday I'm In Love - The Cure
53. Giliw - Regine Velasquez
54. Something New In My Life - Stephen Bishop
55. Need To Be Next to You - Leigh Nash
56. Live and Learn - The Cardigans
57. Stay - U2
58. Strangelove - Depeche Mode
59. (Alone - Cantonese) - Kelly Chen
60. Lucky Love - Ace of Base