Elmer Blogger

Monday, April 18, 2005

Is Graham Lim stupid?

I can't seem to explain why some Filipino (or pretending to be) leaders can't simply humble themselves and step down when the leadership has not shown any proof of effectivity.

I am referring to Graham Lim who is the head of Basketball Association of the Philippines. His wards, the Cebuana Lhuiller basketball team, has smirked the country's image with pitch black slime more than feel good patriotic stories. Finishing 15th out of 16 teams playing in Harbin, China in 2003, the supposed team of the future have gone home limping and embarrassed. And who wouldn't be if your team is composed of relatively unknowns who have the feeling they can handle it by themselves. Shame on you.

And when this team lost to a ragtag team of actors and celebrities in a bush tournament few weeks ago happened, the biggest joke of the Philippine basketball began to unfold. Who the hell are these trying hard gentlemen? Coach Don Vergeire and Boysie Zamar led the group to a handful of disastrous campaigns and so far in the past three years they have no achievement to show. Birth pains so to speak, but the team should not act as if it is born every day. Even the Atlanta Hawks of the National Basketball Association have hopes of being a champion. The madness has to stop and the basketball big boys from the PBL and PBA should take over. Sorry Mr Lhuiller but your investment fell into the wrong hands.

Basketball is in the blood of Filipinos who refuse to admit that lack of height and bulk deprives the nation of a worthy basketball team ready to slug it out with China, Korea, Iran and Saudi Arabia. So for the sake of your credibility Mr Graham Lim, stop grabbing Philippine basketball as if it is your own possession. While dishonored politicians from Japan render their courtesy resignation upon their failures, you even stuck to your post even more. Let me ask how much Lhuiller is paying your BAP to win its exclusive contract? You are betraying a nation hungry of recognition. Please lend the post to the more credible ones.

And I am not even trying to ride in the innuendos of other reporters who allegedly sensationalize your citizenship issue. Better act like a humble Filipino or else in my customary Visayan expression: Uli Tsina..


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